Dinner dates, Erotic Massage, GFE & much more

About Us

Men & Women have an insatiable need for companionship, and to explore the realms of their imagination. They fantasize about spending quality time with others, yet forgetting that what they’re looking for is usually available – just around the corner.

 Intimate Escorts is the premier global directory of top-ranking escorts, and escort agencies. We make it easy to find companionship in your area. These professional escorts seek to fill that empty void in your life. A playful rendezvous could be exactly what you’re in need of. These escorts set the benchmark in the business in terms of intelligence, beauty, and personality.

 We pride in being the de facto directory of escorts that cater to VIP clients in your area. Depending on the occasion, you can pair up with anyone. The perfect intimate escort from your preferred ethnicity, age group, and budget range.

 We are known in this industry for only listing high caliber escorts. These intimate escorts are known to offer a memorable, and tasteful experience. All these ladies are armed with breath taking beauty that turn heads. More importantly, their personalities are lovable, and engaging. This allows them to effortlessly start, and sustain a titillating conversation with any man, at a whim.

 We know how to have a good time 

 If there’s one thing our listings know best, it is how to have a good time. These intimate escorts know what it takes when it comes to entertaining, and they guarantee that every experience is unique. These exquisite escorts will offer you a one-way ticket to “Fantasy Land”, the little known place where dreams do come true. It is here that you can be treated to an otherworldly experience that you will never forget.

Be it a formal function, a trip to the movie theater, a gourmet dinner with a close companion, or the fulfillment of a lifelong fantasy, now you can select from a range of beautiful escorts to complete your perfect experience. No matter what the occasion may be, tasteful selection of girls are sure to complement just about any special occasion that you’ve planned.

Whether you’re planning a special party for a group or just yourself, you will find the perfect intimate escort for the job on our website. Intimate Escorts specializes in only listing escorts that are seasoned in creative gatherings, and who enjoy fulfilling the special desires that you’re searching for.

Private Playtime 

These alluring ladies are trained to function discreetly to suit a clients’ private lives. We’ve dealt with high profile personalities, and they know exactly what you need. Confidentiality is one of their highest standards. We understand the value our sites’ patrons put in their private lives and in all their endeavors, these listed escorts work hard to keep your rendezvous as discrete as possible. These trustworthy intimate escorts work hard to never compromise a clients’ personal lives or tarnish their reputation.

You’re the Boss 

The listings on Intimate Escorts are customer-centric and want nothing but their clients’ satisfaction. To make it easier to find the ideal partner, our site has an advanced algorithm that cuts browsing time down. We’ve also created different categories for faster selection and booking, once you’ve found your perfect escort. Our advanced, yet simply to use system also allows visitors to compare the rates of the girls they’ve shortlisted for their rendezvous.

No matter how complex, or unique the occasion may be, we definitely have the perfect partner in our directory. They all work to deliver your wildest dream on a silver platter, in just a few clicks!

About Us 

Intimate Escorts is the premier directory of professional, global escorts. Our website is dedicated to providing everyone with a comprehensive list of top-ranking escorts in your area.

We’ve made it our mission to make sure that we pair our clients with the right escort. From desired hair color, ethnicity, spoken language, and budget – we aim to match you with the perfect escort.

We’ve designed our site to achieve just that and more. We offer a simplified escort selection and booking process that helps you save time and effort. Our categories make for easier browsing, so our users can easily find and book the perfect escort to suit your unique needs.

At Intimate Escorts we pride ourselves in having a tasteful selection of escorts to fulfill every man’s needs. Be it a business function, a simple date, a special party, or the fulfillment of an exciting fantasy – we have the girl to get the job done.

We’ve personally handpicked the ladies in our directory, and selected those with exceptional beauty and an intelligence that will keep you engaged. We have also introduced an improved verification process to make sure that you are only browsing through real and legitimate escorts.

Part of our service is working to make sure your rendezvous is discreet, especially for our VIP patrons. We know how our users value their privacy, so we make sure that all escorts listed on our directory adhere to unbending standards of high confidentiality.